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Heroic Youth is a training ground to prepare youth to be faithful warriors in God’s army.  Youth become Heroes as they engage in servant leadership and identify and pursue their God-given individual missions.

We are Christ-Centered

At the center of everything we do and are at Heroic Youth, is our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We strive to be open and encouraging to those of all faiths who would like to join us with the understanding that we will be talking of Christ, preaching of Christ, and rejoicing in Christ. 

Heroic Youth as an organization openly uses and refers to teachings and principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Learn more about Heroic Youth

Focused on the Youth

As is stated in our mission statement, we are a training ground to prepare youth to be faithful warriors in God’s army.  We believe firmly that each and every youth has a purpose and value that is God-given.  Through our simulations and mentoring we are focused on strengthening these young people to build up the kingdom of God and to fight the ultimate foe.  We teach how to be strong in moments of doubt, to be masters of self, and to see through the lies of the adversary.  Our primary tool in accomplishing these tasks is the outward focus of servant-leadership, aka heroism.  We have seen time and again that when a youth is focused on serving others, he or she becomes powerful, centered, and more grounded in faith and in God.

For more information about Heroic Youth, go to

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